domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009

Já dizia o Sting: If you love somebody...

Publicado por PolyPortugal

If you need somebody, call my name | If you want someone, you can do the same | If you want to keep something precious | You got to lock it up and throw away the key | If you want to hold onto your possession | Don't even think about me | If you love somebody, set them free | If it's a mirror you want, just look into my eyes | Or a whipping boy, someone to despise | Or a prisoner in the dark | Tied up in chains you just can't see | Or a beast in a gilded cage | That's all some people ever want to be | If you love somebody, set them free | You can't control an independent heart | Can't tear the one you love apart | Forever conditioned to believe that we can't live | We can't live here and be happy with less | So many riches, so many souls | Everything we see we want to possess | If you need somebody, call my name | If you want someone, you can do the same | If you want to keep something precious | You got to lock it up and throw away the key | If you want to hold onto your possession | Don't even think about me | If you love somebody, set them free
Sting, "If You Love Somebody Set Them Free", The Dream Of The Blue Turtles, 1985

2 comentários:

Luís Miguel Viterbo disse...

Gostei! Post simples e directo. O CD é realmente todo excepcional e já não o ouvia na íntegra provavelmente desde o ano em que saiu; nessa altura estava na universidade e ouvi-o até à exaustão em casa de amigos.
Já encomendei o Enhanced CD (7,30 €, já com entrega, até nem é muito). :)

ana galdéria disse...

Depois quero uma cópia disso!